Intellectual Gamma Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter Gamma Sapiens (Bluetooth)

Intellectual Gamma Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter Gamma Sapiens (Bluetooth)
  • Intellectual Gamma Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter Gamma Sapiens (Bluetooth)
  • Intellectual Gamma Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter Gamma Sapiens (Bluetooth)
  • Intellectual Gamma Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter Gamma Sapiens (Bluetooth)
STANDARD: $24.95

Worldwide Delivery in 12-20 business days

EXPRESS: $34.95

Worldwide Delivery in 8-20 business days

Price $259.00

Gamma Sapiens is an innovative device that will turn your smartphone or tablet into dosimeter. From now on you can measure radiation remotely without putting yourself at risk of exposure! Gamma Sapiens continuously transfers measurement results via Bluetooth to iPhone, iPad or smartphones and tablets running Android OS. With the help of GS Ecotest application this information is processed, displayed in a user-friendly way and stored in a special database. Gamma Sapiens has its own power supply, so it does not use the battery of smartphone or tablet.

Gamma Sapiens is calibrated after manufacture and conforms to the CE standards.

Purpose of Use

  • measurement of gamma radiation dose rate (ambient dose equivalent rate)
  • measurement of gamma radiation accumulated dose (ambient dose equivalent)
  • transfer of measured values to the smartphone/tablet via Bluetooth

Branches of Use

Educational programs

Household use


  • High dynamics and reliability of measurement results
  • Built-in Geiger-Muller counter of high sensitivity (it takes just 10-15 s to quickly evaluate normal radiation background level)
  • Communication with the smartphone/tablet via Bluetooth
  • Transfer of dosimetric information to the smartphone/tablet in real time
  • LED-based alarm of connection with the smartphone/tablet
  • LED-based alarm of the battery discharge
  • Wide operating temperature range – from -18 °С to +50 °С (0°F to 122°F)
  • Ingress protection rating – ІР30
  • Power supply – two ААА batteries


Measurement range of gamma radiation DER

0,1 – 5000 µSv/h

Main relative permissible error limit of gamma radiation DER measurement with confidence probability of 0.95 (calibrated relative to 137 Cs)

25+2/Н*(10)%, where H*(10) is a numeric value of the measured DER in µSv/h

Measurement range of gamma radiation DE

0,001 – 9999 mSv

Main relative permissible error limit of gamma radiation DE measurement with confidence probability of 0.95


Energy range of registered gamma radiation

0,05 – 3,00 MeV

Energy dependence of the detector readings at gamma radiation DER and DE measurements in the energy range from 0.05 MeV to 1.25 MeV


Range of the Bluetooth interface for connection with the smartphone/tablet, not less than

5 m

Battery life (ENERGIZER AAA×2 of 1280 mAh capacity) under natural background radiation conditions, not less than

60 hours

General operating supply voltage of the detector from two AAA batteries

3,0 V

Dimensions, not more than

19х40х95 mm

Weight without batteries, not more than

0,05 kg

Download operating manual Gamma Sapiens for Android

Download operating manual Gamma Sapiens for iPhone and iPad


Pattern Approval Certificate of Measuring Instruments # UA-MI/1-2941-2013 of April 22, 2013 (У3383-12 number in the State Register for Measuring Instruments)

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STANDARD: $24.95

Worldwide Delivery in 12-20 business days

EXPRESS: $34.95

Worldwide Delivery in 8-20 business days

Price $259.00