Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy

 Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
  •  Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
  •  Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
  •  Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
  •  Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
  •  Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
STANDARD: $24.95

Worldwide Delivery in 12-20 business days

EXPRESS: $34.95

Worldwide Delivery in 8-20 business days

Price $319.00

The device does not work in American network 120V/60Hz even using a converter!

Almag-01 is approved as a tPEMF device, and is listed as a biofeedback device. Due to the nature and distribution of the magnetic field, the Almag-01 can impact a large area at one time. It doesn't require special training.

What is tPEMF? Traveling Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy involves impulses similar to the biological frequencies of your body. As it travels, it can enhance bioactive properties along the organs and body. The dynamics do not allow for adaptation, so the body does not get used to it. This allows the beneficial effects to remain constant. Using tPEMF, an analgesic effect is created due to blockage of nerve impulses, reducing spasms and improving local circulation and tissue respiration. This can lead to improved immune responses.\

Almag-01 can cause an increase in intercellular and intracellular exchange due to the interaction of charged particles. The magnetic field increases interactions between redox process chemical elements, helping to improve tissue and cell metabolism and enhancing the ionization process. Studies show the Almag-01 penetrates deeper than other devices, enough to influence internal organs. Frequencies are within 4-16Hz, the most biologically active. Clinical test shows that the above ALMAG-01 therapeutic effects have been reached in 78-90% cases already after 2-3 taken procedures, the remission period in some cases lasts for 1.5 years. Only the application of complex stationary systems can provide the similar effect.

Indications for use

  • diseases of musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome reflex; cervical osteochondrosis; deforming osteoarthrosis; arthritis and arthritis of various joints, etc)
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system and their consequences (fractures; internal injuries of the joints; Post-traumatic contracture of the joints; wounds, etc)
  • cardiovascular system (hypertension I-II degree; obliterate atherosclerosis of lower extremities)
  • gastro-intestinal tract: pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stages of disease; biliary dyskinesia; chronic gastritis; peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer)
  • diseases of female genital mutilation (inflammatory diseases of the uterus and adnexa during stihaniya acute process; diseases caused by hypofunction of ovaries; complications after operative delivery)
  • diseases of the venous system of upper and lower extremities (deep vein thrombosis of leg; iliofemoral thrombosis of the lower limbs, acute and chronic, chronic thrombophlebitis in a stage of trophic disorders, etc)
  • complications of diabetes (diabetic angiopathy; diabetic polyneuropathy)
  • dermatological diseases: pruritic dermatoses; state after skin plastic surgery)
  • chronic nonspecific lung disease: chronic bronchitis; chronic pneumonia; bronchial asthma)
  • neurological diseases (peripheral nervous system diseases; disease of the brain

Main advantages:

  • large area and depth of penetration provides selective treatment of all organs with minimum side effects and allergic reactions
  • high therapeutic effect in case of repeated course of treatment
  • possibility to perform procedures without the risk of concomitant diseases exacerbation
  • increased effect of prescribed medicinal preparations

Customer Reviews by Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy

  devices do not work in country where 110volt/60Hz
by Yelena on September 25, 2015
Product: Almag 01 Electromagnetic Therapy
Аппарат Алмаг на выходе выдает 220В/60Гц, а не 50Гц. Частота эл. сети поддерживается генерирующими компаниями с высокой точностью, и она используется в микропроцессоре аппарата как тактовая для формирования магнитных импульсов. Увеличение частоты на 10Гц приводит к сбою в работе процессора  Show more
STANDARD: $24.95

Worldwide Delivery in 12-20 business days

EXPRESS: $34.95

Worldwide Delivery in 8-20 business days

Price $319.00